A bit shabby building stands on the foot of the mythical Krejsa hill – villa no. 371. It was commissioned in 1935 by a major Czech scientist, founder of Czechoslovak zootechnics, scholar Prof. PhDr. et PhDr. František Bílek, Dr.Sc, Dr. h. c., who descended from an old family of farmers named Bílek, who had lived in Kunvald from early 17th century. A bit shabby building stands on the foot of the mythical Krejsa hill – villa no. 371. It was commissioned in 1935 by a major Czech scientist, founder of Czechoslovak zootechnics, scholar Prof. PhDr. et PhDr. František Bílek, Dr.Sc, Dr. h. c., who descended from an old family of farmers named Bílek, who had lived in Kunvald from early 17th century.
Professor Bílek put Czech zootechnic science on a firm fundament in his book “Textbook of general zootechnics”. He also initiated the Museum of hippology in Slatiňany, re-generated the Karakul sheep, and saved Kladruber and Prewalski horses. He died in 1972 in Kunvald, 87 years old, and was buried here.
The villa is surrounded by a big garden, which used to be full of rare trees and bushes, brought by the professor from his travels. In his days it reminded visitors of a beautiful park. But time has been merciless to the unkempt house and garden.